Where was Raise a Glass to Love filmed? The Vineyard House Location
Posted by Ra Moon
Hallmark's Fall Harvest program is traveling on this occasion to the heart of Sonoma County in Northern California, the world-famous valley wine region.
However, Raise a Glass to Love was almost entirely filmed in and around Kelowna in British Columbia.
Canada also has its own vineyards, growing in the picturesque Okanagan Valley, bordering the north-central area of the U.S. Washington State.
However, Raise a Glass to Love was almost entirely filmed in and around Kelowna in British Columbia.
Canada also has its own vineyards, growing in the picturesque Okanagan Valley, bordering the north-central area of the U.S. Washington State.

The romantic comedy revolves around Jenna Savern (played by Laura Osnes) who is returning to her grandmother’s winery to focus on passing a difficult exam to realize his dream of becoming a Master Sommelier.
Jenna will meet Marcelo Castillo (Juan Pablo Di Pace), the vineyard’s handsome new winemaker from Argentina. Renowned Master Sommelier and wine consultant, Jennifer Huether, makes a cameo role in the movie.
Welcome to Savern Vineyard and our guide to the filming locations of Raise a Glass to Love.

In the movie, the Savern Vineyard is located somewhere in Sonoma, but the production was filmed in British Columbia’s gorgeous Okanagan Valley.
The Canadian grape-growing location is not as glamorous as its Californian counterpart, but Okanagan boasts more than 130 great wineries making the most of the distinct soil and climate conditions of this blessed land.
(You can open all the locations on Google Maps by clicking on the links below in the captions ↴)
Image courtesy of Hallmark Channel - Map
Image courtesy of Hallmark Channel - Map
The Raise a Glass to Love Vineyards and House

The magnificent Mirabel Vineyards, located in South Kelowna, doubled as the Savern Vineyard.
This family-owned vineyard produces premium small-batch wines, including sustainably farmed pinot noir, chardonnay, and rosé.
Image courtesy of Hallmark - Map

The wondrous yellow house where Jenna and Marcelo enjoy spectacular sunsets is the Mirabel Vineyards hilltop estate, owned by the Reimer family.
Image courtesy of Hallmark Channel - Map

According to Wines of Canada, around the year 2006, the Reimers, who are a Winnipeg native family dedicated to the transportation business, decided to plant the vineyards basically because they thought that they would look good on this beautiful property.
They engaged two masters of wine for advice and aimed at quality and excellence. In 2015, the company produced a $70 Pinot Noir, the most expensive Okanagan Pinot Noir to date.

Some more scenes were filmed in Kelowna, the pleasant capital city of the valley, inhabited by only about 142,000 souls.
The town is located on the shores of the charming Okanagan Lake, surrounded by scenic orchards and vineyards from the booming wine industry.
The lake has its own equivalent of the Loch Ness monster, called the Ogopogo.
Image courtesy of Hallmark Channel - Map

The picnic in the park scene was filmed at the City Park Rhapsody Plaza, situated by the lake in downtown Kelowna.
In the movie, they say that there are only 190 Master Sommeliers in the world, but BinWise reports that in 2019 there were actually 269. Only 23 of them are female Somms.
In the movie, they say that there are only 190 Master Sommeliers in the world, but BinWise reports that in 2019 there were actually 269. Only 23 of them are female Somms.
Image courtesy of Hallmark - Map

The movie also features establishing shots filmed in San Francisco. However, in Hallmark Channel movies like Journey of My Heart, the few scenes set in the big city are usually filmed in Vancouver or the studios located there.
To get ready for the film, the lead actors trained their wine-sipping skills in tasting tours, sunset sips, and vineyard strolls visiting several iconic cellars in the Okanagan Valley.
Image courtesy of Hallmark Channel - Map
Meet the Raise a Glass to Love Cast

Born in Minnesota, American actress Laura Osnes played Rodgers and Hammerstein's original Cinderella on Broadway.
She's becoming a popular Hallmark Channel face after starring in productions such as One Royal Holiday, In the Key of Love, and A Homecoming for the Holiday.

Juan Pablo Di Pace is an Argentinian actor and singer best known for starring in the TNT soap opera Dallas (where Laura Osnes also played a small role) and in the Netflix sitcom Fuller House.
Di Pace also appeared in the popular 2008 musical film Mamma Mia!
Di Pace also appeared in the popular 2008 musical film Mamma Mia!
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1 comment:
1- Anonymous - Sep 1, 2022, 4:26 PM
I cant believe Hallmark, couldn’t find it in themselves to film this California Winery story in California. Grrrr!
1- Anonymous - Sep 1, 2022, 4:26 PM
I cant believe Hallmark, couldn’t find it in themselves to film this California Winery story in California. Grrrr!
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