Where Was King Lear Filmed?

The 2018 version of King Lear is a British-American production originally aired on TV, now available on Amazon Prime.

Directed by Richard Eyre, the movie is based on the popular play written by William Shakespeare. The drama was cut to 115 minutes and broadcasted on BBC in 2018.

King Lear 2018

There is plenty of history for students to learn from Great Britain's ancient history. The film is set in the Iron age, the Roman Era, Henry II's early times, Napoleonic, Second World War, and the Post-war.

The movie shows how suffering brings us down to realize that temporary power in this world means nothing. Lear and Gloucester have a lot in common, they both learn the truth the hard way.

Shakespeare tries to illustrate how a man free from any control and balance will become a tyrant, as this condition is written in his very own nature. As a result, he has to face the consequences.

King Lear cast

The main cast is packed with famous and talented artists. Anthony Hopkins stars as King Lear. Emma Thomson, Emily Watson, and Florence Pugh are his three daughters.

The movie is set in a 21st-century alternative universe. London is highly militarized and shows the tragedy when the king declares the end of his reign and the division of the kingdom between his three daughters.

Where does King Lear take place?

London location
Almost all the action in the film occurs in England. The setting of King Lear and filming locations include an exceptional castle and several interesting places around London.
Image courtesy of Amazon

Dover Castle
King Lear's Castle is actually the Dover Castle in Kent, playing a key role in the film.
Image courtesy of Lieven Smits

Tower of London
The famous Tower of London doubled as the boardroom and chambers of the monarch.

The play is so popular that has been adapted more than 50 times on both TV and film.
Image courtesy of MemoryCatcher

Samphire Hoe
The Hatfield House is a 15th-century manor located in the outskirts of London.

Built by Robert Cecil, the house is currently home to Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, the 7th Marquess of Salisbury, and his large family.

However, the site is open to the public and has been used as a shooting location in multiple productions like Taboo, The Great, Trust, or Wonder Woman.
Image courtesy of Amazon

Samphire Hoe
The Abbot's Cliff and Samphire Hoe in Kent are featured in a couple of scenes of the film.

Located beneath the White Cliffs of Dover near Folkestone, this is an iconic English landscape hard to miss when crossing the channel coming from the continent.

The shopping precinct was filmed in the town of Stevenage in Hertfordshire.
Image courtesy of Alfred Gay


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