6 Movies That Did Not Age Really Well

Whatever we do in life, chances for all of our efforts going down the drain are inevitable. Despite the fact that Hollywood emits every bit of perfection, let’s not overlook some of the screw-ups that we can’t help but not ignore.
After spending don’t know, 12345678th day in lockdown, we’ve found ourselves confined to our cable TV’s On Demand service and other video streaming platforms, that are helping us get by these ultra-boring times.
That’s right ladies and gentlemen, now, we’ll talk about movies that are aging, but not that well.
After spending don’t know, 12345678th day in lockdown, we’ve found ourselves confined to our cable TV’s On Demand service and other video streaming platforms, that are helping us get by these ultra-boring times.
That’s right ladies and gentlemen, now, we’ll talk about movies that are aging, but not that well.

Although, the open portrayal of this movie seemed like a pretty new thing back in the 2000s, you know, with drugs and stuff. Everyone took it very lightly back then and it was ‘funny’ to see a bunch of guys stoning their brains off, but now that we’ve matured and gained wisdom, we can’t help but realize that this isn’t the only thing wrong with the movie. The entire premise of this movie is centered on the cliché of an overly rigid woman falling for a fun-loving and casual guy *yawns*. Wait, till you know this, even the lead actress of the movie Katherine Heigl considered the movie sexist and immature. Sounds like a bummer, doesn’t it?

Brüno is a perfect example of becoming the thing that you are trying to avoid. The movie was supposed to be a revelation in terms of LGBT representation back in the days when it was still majorly frowned upon. Unfortunately, the use of satire went a little over the top with Sacha Baron Cohen taking the lead role. So, you can imagine what must’ve happened next. The movie ended up reinforcing stereotypes against homosexuality and even racism to such an extent that if it was released today it would’ve instigated numerous debates against it.

Fat shaming is a serious issue and it has always been since the beginning of everything. You cannot make fun of someone’s physique or weight problem and get away with it, but apparently, you could make a ‘successful’ movie about it just a couple of decades ago. The story follows a condescendingly ‘shallow’ Hal, played by Jack Black, who falls for an overweight woman. The movie revolves around how he finally realized the true beauty of an overweight woman because of her personality.
The makers of this movie wanted to deliver a message to audiences that one should look past physical appearances and see people for who they are. Unfortunately, this message is buried so deep under offensive dialogues (especially on fat-shaming) that it just won’t sit well with audiences today.
The makers of this movie wanted to deliver a message to audiences that one should look past physical appearances and see people for who they are. Unfortunately, this message is buried so deep under offensive dialogues (especially on fat-shaming) that it just won’t sit well with audiences today.

On the surface, the Notebook is one of the best love stories that cinema has seen. However, a careful review of the movie today might get a few things under your skin. For instance, forcing someone to like you and go out with you by threatening to kill yourself and stalking them can no longer be considered ‘cute’; call it creepy, but not cute. Also, the movie features some really questionable dialogues intended as pick-up lines, which we would clearly appall us if someone was to try them on us.

It is a surprise to us all how this title can end up on such a list. Nevertheless, the truth is that even though a large number of people consider this movie to be a timeless classic, there are those who point out some holes in the plot that even a diehard fan wouldn’t be able to look past. The glaring one is that it idealizes the cliché of a ‘white man’ single-handedly saving the helpless and endangered ‘natives’; you see where this is headed?
Sugar-coated white supremacy isn’t the only thing bad about this title. Back when it came out, we were so stunned by the visual representation of the movie that we didn’t bother to notice that the plot isn’t that ingenious either.
Sugar-coated white supremacy isn’t the only thing bad about this title. Back when it came out, we were so stunned by the visual representation of the movie that we didn’t bother to notice that the plot isn’t that ingenious either.

Racism is bad and there is no doubt about it. It is a black and white thing, either you support it or are against it. Every movie that has reaped success using racism at its center has abode to this truth. Crash, however, may have been one of the most accurate portrayals of modern racism on screen. The movie just bombards the audience with scenes with extremely offensive racism across the USA without giving much meaning to it all. To top it all off, the makers expect audiences to sympathize with one of the most racist characters because he has had a tough life. What makes us question the SYSTEM even more is that this movie managed to take home an Oscar back in the day.
All in All
Film-making is an art that not everyone knows their way around. It’s kind of sad to see so much investment and effort going into visual pieces that are remembered but not respectfully. Luckily, we dwell in a time when racism, fat-shaming, and other bitter realities of our society are taken seriously. So, we can hope that in the coming future we don’t see some other film-maker repeating such a mistake.
Which other films would you add to the list?
Film-making is an art that not everyone knows their way around. It’s kind of sad to see so much investment and effort going into visual pieces that are remembered but not respectfully. Luckily, we dwell in a time when racism, fat-shaming, and other bitter realities of our society are taken seriously. So, we can hope that in the coming future we don’t see some other film-maker repeating such a mistake.
Which other films would you add to the list?
All comments are reviewed prior to publication