Where was Curon filmed? The Hotel Raina Location

Where was Curon filmed? The Hotel Raina Location

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The new Italian Netflix terror series Curon is set in the remote Alpine town of the same name, located on the triple frontier with Switzerland and Austria in the province of Bolzano (South Tyrol).

The eerie bell tower emerging from the waters of the lake is a real landmark of the village, and some elements of the story are real too.

Mauro and Daria Raina in the series

The tower's bells were removed in 1950 when most of the church was blown up to make way for the waters of the artificial dam.

Long before it became a TV series story, the legend of people still hearing the chimes of the solitary belfry already existed.

The 7-episode show is a European supernatural series following the way opened by productions like Dark, The Returned, or Marianne.

Atlas of Wonders has tracked down the filming location of the creepy Raina Hotel and a few more interesting facts about Curon.

The bell tower in the lake
The real flooding of the town of Curon was decided at the end of the Second World War by the Italian state, and not the local ruler's family as suggested in the show.

The project of building a large dam to produce electricity was completed in 1950; More than 180 buildings were demolished, including the church of Santa Caterina di Alessandria.

The 1357 bell tower is all that remains of old Curon, as a memory of what once stood there.
(You can open all the locations on Google Maps by clicking on the links below in the captions ↴)
Image courtesy of Netflix - Map

Curon Drehort
The drama of the inhabitants of Curon Venosta (called Graun im Vinschgau in German, the mother tongue of 97% of the population), was to see their ancestral homes razed to the ground.

The new village was relocated higher up, on the shore of the great Lake Reschen (Lago di Resia).

The real legend started next year after the lake was inaugurated when a bus came off the road and went straight into the lake. 22 people died in the tragic accident, leaving only one survivor.

The rumors about the cursed underwater village began and here is where the idea for the TV series comes from.

The locations shot in the town include the scenes in the modern church of Santa Caterina, the cemetery, and some areas around the lake.
Image courtesy of Netflix - Curon Drehort

Thomas Raina and Albert Asper
A few scenes were shot in the nearby town of Malles Venosta (Mals, also in Alto Adige), where the Asper house may be located.

In Catalonia, there's a bell tower with a story very similar to Curon's: When the Sau dam (Pantà de Sau) water levels drop, the belfry of the Church of Sant Romà appears submerged in the middle of the reservoir.
Image courtesy of Netflix and Carlo Pelagalli - Map

Reschensee lake and the house in the forest
The abandoned cabin in the woods is a lodge called Baita Mexico, situated in the Mendel Mountain Pass area (Passo Mendola) in the Non Valley (Val di Non).

Scenes in the forest were shot in this area, between Sarnonico and Ruffrè.

The beautiful Lago di Caldaro (Kalterer See) served as the background scenery for the flashback sequence with Albert and Klara in the lake.

The showrunners used the Lago di Santa Giustina in Trentino to record the scenes where the cast is swimming because the water temperature is warmer.
Image courtesy of Netflix - Caldaro Lake Map

Dov’è girato curon
The high school is the Istituto Tecnico Agrario Happacherhof (Fachoberschule für Landwirtschaft) in Ora/Auer.

The hospital scenes were filmed at the Salus Center in Prissiano.
Image courtesy of Netflix - Map

The Curon Hotel Raina

Curon Hotel
The Raina Hotel is actually the old Hotel Golf (formerly Mendelpass-Hotel), located in a scenic settlement in Passo della Mendola.

Erected in the early 20th century at the 1,362 meter-high mountain pass, the hotel is now in disuse.

There are some more amazing buildings nearby in Mendel Pass, being the most outstanding the Grand Hotel Penegal di Passo Mendola, now known as Villa Imperiale.
Image courtesy of Netflix - Map

Raina Hotel hall and interior rooms
The hotel interiors have kept the original Liberty-style architectural features from the time of construction (1892).

As one of the Curon characters remarks in the series, guests at these hotels, once the favorite holiday destination of the European aristocracy, include Empress Elisabeth of Austria (better known as Sissi) and her husband Franz Joseph among many others.

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  1. The school scenes (outdoor and indoor shots) are shot at the high school for agriculture (Fachoberschule für Landwirtschaft) located in Ora/Auer in South Tyrol: https://www.ofl-auer.it/unsere-schule/schulgebaeude/klassen-uebungsraeume-u-verwaltung.html

  2. Non riesco a trovare su maps l'ubicazione dell'hotel. Qualcuno può Aiutarmi?

    1. Ciao Silvia, c'è un link con la scritta 'Map' sotto l'immagine, ma eccolo qui nel caso non lo troviate: https://goo.gl/maps/6Y7ZdTJ2mFWjd6jUA


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