Where was Tidelands filmed? The house & all the Filming Locations

Where was Tidelands filmed? The house & all the Filming Locations

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Tidelands was the first entirely original Australian series on Netflix. Set in the fictional small fishing village of Orphelin Bay, the eight-part supernatural drama is focused on a mysterious group of people, half-humans and half-sirens, called Tidelanders.

Cal McTeer, played by Charlotte Best (Home and Away), is a young woman who returns home when the body of a local fisherman appears on the shore. She will try to uncover the secrets of the town.

Where was Tidelands filmed

Spanish model and actress Elsa Pataky (Chris Thor Hemsworth's wife) is Adrielle, the obscure leader of the tribe.

The rest of the 'Titlanders' troupe (the series contain several nudity scenes), is completed by Madeleine Madden (Picnic at Hanging Rock), Marco Pigossi (seen in the Brazilian hit soup opera Edge of Desire), Mattias Inwood, and Aaron Jakubenko (both from The Shannara Chronicles).

Tidelands was filmed entirely in South East Queensland in Brisbane. Here is our filming locations report of the Down Under series:

Orphelin Bay
The establishing aerial shots of Orphelin Bay are from Dunwich, one of the three small settlements located on North Stradbroke Island.

This is the point where the passenger ferries arrive from the mainland.
(You can open all the locations on Google Maps by clicking on the links below in the captions ↴)
Image courtesy of Netflix - Map

Beach scenery
Many scenes were recorded in the scenic sandy beaches and wetlands of North Stradbroke Island.

This is a large and touristic island in Redland Bay, with plenty of interesting wild natural lakes and swamps, officially inhabited by only a little more than 2,000 souls.
Image courtesy of Redland City Council - Map

The Tidelands Town
A lot of filming took place in the Sandgate and Shorncliffe area, including the beautiful Cabbage Tree Creek.

Cal and Augie's house (pictured) is located at 153 Palm Avenue in Shorncliffe.

The fictional town of Lemon Myrtle Cove from the Hearts Down Under movie was also filmed here.
Image courtesy of Netflix - Map

The pub location
The Devil's Tail bar is the Old Courthouse Restaurant in Raby Bay, Cleveland.

This is a heritage timber and sandstone 19th-century house, with great views of Moreton Bay.
Image courtesy of Netflix and Google Maps

Fishermen storehouse
The Orphelin Bay Fishing Cooperative facilities were set in a warehouse by the sea in Steiglitz (pictured).

The cold store exterior, where the drugs change hands in the first episode, is at Thermo Freeze at Hemmant.
Image courtesy of Netflix and Google Maps

Tidelands drehort
The police station is located near Victoria Point Reserve in Masters Avenue (pictured).

Laura's house is located at 24 Rosebank Square in the suburb of Salisbury, in Brisbane.
Image courtesy of Netflix - Map

Road towers light cables
The beautiful twisty road that appears in several episodes, with the tall tree and sugar mill in the background is at Holmstead Road located between Woongoolba and Steiglitz.

The long and spooky road out to the Tidelanders mansion seen in episode 1 is Rocky Point Road, from the hill near Cecil Zipf park (also in Steiglitz and Woongoolba area).
Image courtesy of Netflix - Holmstead Rd Map / Rocky Point Rd Map

burial ground and morgue scenes
The graveyard where Colton meets Stolin in episode 5 is Alberton Cemetery at 80 Zipfs Road.

The Padstowe Morgue from episode seven is the Sandgate Senior Citizens Centre on Seymour Street.
Image courtesy of Netflix - Alberton Map / Sandgate Map

Tidelands house
The wonderful Tidelanders house looks more like a set than a real old manor.

The interiors were probably built in a soundstage. Screen Queensland confirmed that the production also took place in Mount Cotton and Ransome. Image courtesy of Netflix

Rocks sacred canyon

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  1. The Devils Tail is the Old Cleveland Courthouse in Cleveland

    1. That's awesome, thanks a lot!

    2. I can recommend eating at The Courthouse. Dine in winter and ask to be seated in "the cell", where there's a fireplace and 2 tables-for-two in the original cell.

  2. I think that a few of the seens are of Byron Bay. The lighthouse is visible and also Julia Rocks, which I have dived a few times.

  3. "Many scenes where recorded in the scenic sand beaches and wetlands of North Stradbroke Island."
    "where" should be "were".

  4. The cold stores exteriors where the drugs change hands in ep1 are at Thermo Freeze at Hemmant https://www.thermofreeze.com.au/contact-us-1

  5. The long & spooky road out to the Tidelanders house (ep1) is Rocky Point Rd, Woongoolba (near Steiglitz) from the hill near Cecil Zipf park. The sugar mill is in the distance

    1. Cool, it would be also interesting to know where is the road with the tall standing tree.

    2. Which ep? The rock flashback?

    3. The twisty road with the tall tree and sugar mill in background is at Holmstead Rd
      Woongoolba, Queensland

    4. Oh that's Skopps road, on the same road as the stapylton waste facility

  6. The cemetery where Colton meets Stolin in ep5 is Alberton Cemetery, 80 Zipfs Rd, Alberton QLD 4207

  7. Padstow Morgue (ep7) is the Sandgate Senior Citizens Centre on Seymour St

    1. Thanks a lot for all the help! By the way, any idea about the location of the small rocky canyon that Cal and Adrielle are visiting in episode 4 (last picture), please?

    2. That has me stumped, too. I think it would be in the Mt Tamborine area

    3. Some red 4wd interior/exterior shots with Augie & Colton in ep5 are shot around Moora Park, Shorncliffe

  8. For the orephlin bay fishing cooperation they used the outside of a boat building shed for filming outside and everything done inside was on the same property but in an old aquarium.

    1. My eldest son best mate, dad owns the old co-op and property at steglitz. . We still go spend time out there now as we’re all very close.

    2. You will also see it in Boy swallows universe one scene comes to mind where slim dies, when there fishing 🎣. My sons best mate who is just like one of my own kids and his sister both live there on there house boats. Absolutely beautiful place to live so close to sth Straddie. Really peaceful and no neighbors great for parties and get togethers.

  9. The manor of the tidelanders and possibly some of the small jetty shots were filmed in ransome on tingalpa creek. The set was built along the creek there

  10. We love watching “Tidelands” and seeing all the beautiful scenery. We are living in Oregon, USA and love to watch international shows for the scenery and culture. Good on ya, mate!


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