Where was Into the Badlands filmed? Updated & Complete Filming Locations Guide

Where was Into the Badlands filmed? Updated & Complete Filming Locations Guide

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The AMC post-apocalyptic Kung Fu western has in many aspects, a very original point of view. Into the Badlands puts together surprisingly well a mash-up world of neo-feudal lords.

The characters fight in elaborate action scenes with swords instead of guns, all seasoned with a touch of obsolete steampunk technology.

To create this peculiar retro-futuristic land, Into the Badlands was filmed in and around New Orleans in Louisiana. From season two, the production moved to Ireland.

Into the Badlands Season 4 Locations

The cast is lead by talented martial arts practitioner Daniel Wu (who recently starred in the latest Tomb Raider movie along with Alicia Vikander).

Aramis Knight plays a lad who gets into berserker mode when he's bleeding, a kind of darker reincarnation of Ralph Macchio in 84'Karate Kid (nowadays a member of the Cobra Kai house). The comedian Nick Frost (Shaun of the Dead) was a refreshing addition to the show in season 2.

This is the ultimate guide to the filming locations of Into the Badlands. Click here to go directly to the season 2 and 3 locations in Ireland. If you are looking for the Season 1 locations in Louisiana, just keep reading:

Season 1 Filming Locations

Into the Badlands Plantation house
One of the key locations, the Evergreen Plantation (Wallace, LA), served as Baron Quinn's fort.

The impressive red gate doors were built at the entrance of this historic landmark from the slavery days.

This is the same filming location of Tarantino's Django Unchained.
(You can open all the locations on Google Maps by clicking on the links below ↴)
Image courtesy of AMC and Corey Balazowich - Map

Season one set in Louisiana
Pictured, the elegant gardens in the back of the stately home. The first season was headquartered at the St. John Center Soundstage, where the set of the decaying street was built.

According to the local website New Orleans Plantation Country, the Second Ward school in the nearby town of Edgard was also used for filming.

Into the Badlands location
The cabins of the clippers were filmed in some of the slave quarters preserved in the plantation.

The 2020 Antebellum film starring Janelle Monáe was also shot here.
Image courtesy of AMC and Anthony Turducken

oak alley
The majestic oak alley that appears in several scenes are also from the Evergreen Plantation.
Image courtesy of AMC and Alexey Sergeev

The Fort scene
The training grounds of the fighters were shot in the abandoned 19th-Century fortress, Fort Macomb.

The 2024 movie Rebel Ridge, set in Shelby Springs, was filmed at Fort Jackson, the other American Civil War fort south of Fort Macomb.
Image courtesy of AMC and Barbara Spengler - Map

The bridge in New Orleans
The Chef Menteur Bridge is just a few feet away from Fort Macomb.

The 2020 Troop Zero movie, taking place in the fictional town of Wiggly in Georgia, also includes a scene filmed in this rusty bridge.
Image courtesy of AMC and C Hanchey - Map

The Widow mansion
The Lodge of the Widow was located at the Longue Vue House and Gardens in downtown New Orleans.
Image courtesy of AMC and Google Maps

Manor Shoot in New Orleans
The neglected Luling Mansion was used as the hideout of the butterfly's army.
Image courtesy of AMC and Google Maps

The old Factory
In the second episode, there is a fight in the Market Street Power Plant, an early 20th Century industrial complex that has been in disuse for decades.
Image by Jason Paris and Michael Winters - Map

Graveyard scene
The fight scene from episode four was filmed in the historic Lafayette cemetery. The meeting with the River King takes place near the Mississippi on Patterson Dr.
Image courtesy of AMC and Mksfca - Map

Season 2 and 3 Locations in Ireland

Where are the Badlands
Landscapes have a very different look From season 2. The show was filmed in the green fields of Wicklow county, the same location of the Vikings series lake.
Image courtesy of AMC and Paul Albertella - Map

The Widow Sanctuary house
The Widow and her Butterflies are living in the Sanctuary, the Killruddery House. This is a magnificent 17th-century country house, located about 12 miles south of Dublin.

The estate is one of the key locations featured in the Hallmark Channel movie set in Kilabbey, As Luck Would Have It. Also, it is the stunning estate where Irish Wish was filmed.
Image courtesy of AMC and Egita Feldberga - Map

Motorcycle guards estate portal
The gates of the Widow's Sanctuary are the ones of the Powerscourt Estate, a popular landmark to visit with beautiful gardens and a mansion near Enniskerry (also in County Wicklow).

The Powerscourt House was used as Chau's mansion at White Bone Manor for season 3.
Image courtesy of AMC and Google Maps

Training waterfall
M.K. and the Abbotts use as a training ground the area below the Powerscourt Waterfall, also part of the Powerscourt Estate.
Image courtesy of AMC and Kilgarron

Hell Fire Club
The exteriors of the abandoned church from S02E03 are from the Hell Fire Club, an old hunting lodge located at the top of Montpelier Hill in County Dublin.
Image courtesy of AMC - Map

Barons conclave house in Dublin
The Baron's conclave (S02E04) was held at Cabinteely House in Dublin. This manor was used again in S03E03.
Image Przemek Szczepaniuk - Map

The Glory Hole
A commando sneaked into the overflow spillway (or The Glory Hole) Vartry Reservoir, Roundwood.
Image by courtesy of AMC and Stella Stenroos - Map

season 2 finale
The last scene from the last episode of season 2 was filmed in O'Brien's Tower, overlooking the Cliffs of Moher (in County Clare).
Image by courtesy of AMC and Wendy - Map

Into the Badlands Drehorte
In Season 3, a scene of a fight involving the Widow and Nathaniel Moon takes place at another tower, the flue chimney at Ballycorus Leadmines in County Dublin.
Image by courtesy of AMC and Joe King - Map

Temple of Azra island
The new bad guys (Pilgrim and Cressida) discover the First Temple of Azra, a lake with an island and a citadel in the middle.

This is McDermott's Castle, located on Castle Island in Lough Key Forest Park (County Roscommon).

Dean-Charles Chapman (GoT Tommen Baratheon and the star of Sam Mendes acclaimed movie 1917) plays Castor.
Image by courtesy of AMC and Apiechorowska - Map

Season 3 Azra interior set
The dinosaur set is inspired by the great Hintze Hall of the Natural History Museum in London.
Image by courtesy of AMC and Steven Lek

Season 3 Black Lotus Jail
At the start of episode S03E13, Kannin and Sunny are brought to the Black Lotus outpost Razor Ridge.

This is the Victorian wing of the old Kilmainham Gaol, a former prison in Dublin transformed into a museum.
Image by courtesy of AMC and Kilmainham Jail - Map

Trinity College Library scene
The next new location from the same episode is hard to miss: The Long Room of The Old Library of Trinity College, also in Dublin.
Image by courtesy of AMC and Morgennebel - Map

Can you help to find the missing shooting locations of Into the Badlands? To complete and correct this report, any feedback, info, or images that you may have are more than welcome, thank you!

NOTICE: If you’re using this information on your website, please credit and link to this page as a source.

  1. The scene in season 2, ep2, with Tilda and Waldo at the round lilly pad fountain surrounded by high-walled shrubbery is also filmed at the Kilruddery House.

  2. in ep 3 of season 2 the house sourunded in mist ontop a hill is the hell fir clud in the dublin mountains

  3. s3e10 the ending shots at the tower is what i came here for.

    1. O'Briens Tower, Burren Way, Lislorkan North, Co. Clare

  4. That's it thanks. Interesting to see the CGI difference between real life and the screen towers.

  5. The oil refinery and towers in S02E01 were filmed at Poolbeg towers in the Dublin docks.

  6. Just one more while I'm here. The entrance to Quin's underground base during Season 02. It's called Vartry Reservoir Lower - Valve Tower.

    Here's a google maps link and photo... https://www.google.com/maps/@53.0726238,-6.2057815,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPW-lwZ_HVAh60pkigKulb0fKr1XbsNGIPJjyaw!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPW-lwZ_HVAh60pkigKulb0fKr1XbsNGIPJjyaw%3Dw203-h114-k-no!7i3264!8i1836

  7. At the end of Season 2, the cliffs are set in Cliffs of Moher, County Clare, Ireland

  8. The last image on this page https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/948/28267749028_f265b6f798_b.jpg is Powerscourt House on Powerscsourt Estate.

  9. I believe that Razor Ridge from the latest episode was filmed in Kilmainham Gaol Museum:


  10. Anyone know where the abandoned amusement park is in “Cobra Fang, Panther Claw” (S3 Ep 12)? The inside shots could be sets but there were a couple of outside shots showing an old roller coaster and a couple of other rides.

    1. It looked like pripiyat ukraine to me, in fact I came here to try to confirm whether or not it actually was

  11. The amusement park looks so cool. Do you know where is this fairground?

  12. So 3 E8, scene with hedges and edge lion pool, where filmed?


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