Where was John Wick 2 filmed? Guide to all the Filming Locations

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The first John Wick film was an unexpected critical and popular success, turning it into a franchise. Keanu Reeves returned for the sequel to reprise his role as the charismatic professional executioner.

The movie features great filming locations - John Wick Chapter 2 was filmed primarily in the Brooklyn and Manhattan areas of New York, as well as in Rome, and Montreal.

John Wick 2 filming locations

This time, Wick is forced back into action by his former partner, who planned to take control of the obscure international guild of assassins.

Here is our complete compilation of the locations and sets featured in this second symphony of violence.

Also, you can find all the information about the Continental Hotel through all the movies by following this link. In addition, here are our Chapter 1, Chapter 3 - Parabellum, and Chapter 4 comprehensive location guides.

John Wick 2 Filming Locations

Car chase Montreal
The opening chase scene, with the camera targeting a Victoria's Secret store, was filmed on Saint-Catherine Street in Montreal, Quebec.

However, the next sequence, in which the motorcycle crashes into the gorgeous Chevrolet Chevelle SS 396, was filmed more than 370 miles away.
(You can open all the locations on Google Maps by clicking on the links below in the captions ↴)
Image courtesy of Lionsgate - Map

CitiBank New York
The shoot with the CitiBank branch in the background took place in the heart of New York City, on the surprisingly empty streets of Broadway, between W 42nd and W 40th Street.

Shortly after the movie was filmed, they put a pharmacy where the bank used to be.
Image courtesy of Lionsgate - Map

Brooklyn Bridge
Without a car, Wick crosses the Brooklyn Bridge with his dog after the warehouse scene.
Image courtesy of Lionsgate - Map

The John Wick's House

John Wick House
The spectacular John Wick house is located at 121 Mill Neck in Long Island, NY.

Built in 1971, this 7,251 square foot single-family home on five acres has six bedrooms, spectacular water views, and an estimated market value of approximately four million dollars.
Image by courtesy of Lionsgate - Map

The John Wick's Continental Hotel

John Wick Continental Hotel
The exterior of the legendary Continental Hotel is the Beaver Building in Manhattan. The flatiron-shaped 15-story skyscraper was completed in 1904 in the Renaissance Revival style.

In the real world, if you visited the building before 2020, instead of Charon, the concierge, you'd have found the Japanese restaurant Haru Sushi.
Image courtesy of Netflix - Map

Beaver Building
The imposing interior, with vaulted ceilings and ornate decorations was actually filmed in the lobby and Great Hall of the Cunard Building.

Located at 25 Broadway in the Financial District, the facade and the vestibule were designated as a New York City Landmark in 1995.
Image courtesy of Jaysin Trevino and Steven Bornholtz - Map

Winston on the roof of the hotel
Winston, the owner of the hotel played by Ian McShane, meets Wick on the roof garden of the Rockefeller Plaza building at 610 5th Avenue.

The stunning St. Patrick's Cathedral served as the backdrop for the scene.
Images by courtesy of Lionsgate - Map

John Wick 2 Museum
The GNAM (Galleria Nazionale Arte Moderna) in Rome doubles as the museum in New York.

Note the fake Empire State Building added via CGI at the top-right corner.
Image courtesy of Lionsgate and Google Maps

The art gallery scene in Italy
Filming interiors in the GNAM meant that the filmmakers could show some of the superb original artworks on display in this splendid museum.
Image courtesy of Lionsgate and Nicolas Vadilonga

John Wick in Rome
The section of the movie set in Rome, opens with aerial footage of the city and the Vatican.

John is on top of the Palazzo delle Assicurazioni Generali in Piazza Venezia with a view of the iconic Altar of the Fatherland (Altare della Patria).
Image courtesy of Lionsgate - Map

John Wick Hotel in Rome
Reeve's production filmed the facade of the Il Continentale Hotel in Rome at the Museo Centrale del Risorgimento, located next to the Roman Forum.
Image by courtesy of Lionsgate and Google Maps

Continentale Hotel Rome
The interior was filmed on location in the five-star Grand Hotel Plaza in the center of The Eternal City.

John's room with magnificent views of the San Carlo al Corso church's dome was also recorded in a suite of this luxurious hotel.
Image by courtesy of Lionsgate - Map

Square and library scene
After this sequence, Wick walks through Piazza Navona and enters the bookshop Antica Libreria Cascianelli at 15 Largo Febo. This historical antique books store opened in 1837.
Image by courtesy of Lionsgate - Map

Roman ruins catacombs
Gianna's coronation party at D'Antonio Estate ruins and catacombs was filmed in the Baths of Caracalla, the nearly 1,800 years old Roman public baths.

The wonderful Paolo Sorrentino film The Great Beauty, and the not-so-wonderful Zoolander No. 2 were also filmed here.
Image by courtesy of Lionsgate and Sébastien Bertrand - Map

John going out the catacombs
However, the entrance to the ruins was filmed in the remains of the Forum of Caesar, located almost across the street from the Continentale Hotel at Clivo Argentario street.

The temple in the background is the Santi Luca e Martina church.
Image by courtesy of Lionsgate - Map

John and Gianna
The atmospheric meeting of John and Gianna (played by Claudia Gerini) was filmed in a surviving domed pavilion at the Gardens of Sallust (Horti Sallustiani).

These are the monumental remains of an ensemble of Roman gardens dated from the 1st century BC.
Image by courtesy of Lionsgate and Lalupa - Map

Stairway scene
Before the warm welcome at Piazza degli Zingari (a small square in central Rome), John and Cassian (played by American rapper and actor Common) roll down and fight on the Scalinata dei Borgia stairs in Rione Monti.

Rome is a huge city, but somehow -movie magic- they end up at the Italian Continental Hotel branch. The interior scene was filmed at the marble lion staircase hall at Grand Hotel Plaza.
Image by courtesy of Lionsgate and Google Maps

The Buddha with many arms room
The room with the giant oriental statue is part of the Tao Downtown Restaurant in Manhattan.
Image by courtesy of Lionsgate and SouthernWI - Map

Place des Arts metro and square in Montreal
Back to New York with an open contract on his head, Wick fights the violinist assassin and other hitmen in the corridors of the Place des Arts metro and square in Montreal.

The production was hosted at MELS Studios, also located in Montreal.
Image courtesy of Lionsgate and Jen Wen Luoh

Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
After getting out of the subway station, John has an exchange of bullets with Cassian near the fountain of the plaza in the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts's plaza in New York.
Image by courtesy of Lionsgate - Map

Keanu Reeves Metro station
The action continues inside the new PATH West Concourse at One World Trade Center station designed by Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava.
Image by courtesy of Lionsgate - Map

John Wick 2 drehort
John visits crime lord The Bowery King on top of a building near Manhattan Bridge at 135 Plymouth Street.
Images by courtesy of Lionsgate - Map

Mirrors scene
The hall of mirrors scene, one of the best (and most expensive) in the film, was recorded in a studio in New Jersey.

John Wick 2 Location
Near the end of the movie, there is a key scene with Santino (played by Riccardo Scamarcio) in the Continental lounge, filmed in the Ballroom of the Jane Hotel in Greenwich Village, also located in New York.
Image by courtesy of Lionsgate - Map

Fountain and the Bethesda Terrace
The final scene with Winston was filmed at the Fountain and the Bethesda Terrace in Central Park, with the Angel of the Waters overlooking the scene.

John takes off with his dog in the direction of Central Park Mall.
Image courtesy of Lionsgate - Map

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  1. Where was the scene with the mirror taken? Is that a real place?

    1. No, it was all filmed in a studio in New Jersey.

    2. cool... which studio? Also, where is location of Wick's contemporary house?

  2. I'm trying to figure that out too lol

  3. The opening scene (with victoria secret sign) was filmed on St-Catherine Street in Montreal, I suspect. There is also a scene after the "path" in New York filmed in 'Places des Arts' Metro station in Montreal (where John is saved by the homeless man).

    1. Actually, that VS is on Robson St., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. I'd know it anywhere as I go there often.

    2. Correct !!! Place des Arts Complex, Metro Place des Arts and on Ste-Catherine's street in Montreal. Also in front of the Palais des Congrès near Chinatown also in Montreal.

  4. I’m pretty sure the meeting between Santino and Winston with the large Buddhist statue was held at Tao Downton.

  5. Most of the scenes were shot in montreal. Easily recognizable places for someone who lives there!

  6. Replies
    1. The house is in a New York suburb, although the owners aren't fans of having people wandering around...

    2. ok... how do you know? which county? NJ or NY? (Nice to see something that's on a nice piece of land and not a disposable mcmansion.)

    3. More info about John Wick's house following this link: https://architizer.com/projects/the-john-wick-house

  7. Do you know where the giant double doors used as the exterior of the Continental are located?

    1. It’s in the financial district of Manhattan. 1 Wall Street court.

  8. Where are the outdoor stairs that John Wick and Common tumble down for ages in Rome?

  9. The violin assassin was at the Place de Arts in Montreal, Canada

  10. What is the name of the very large circa late 1850's army painting, John and Santini meet in front of at the gallery? Santini claimed the artwork belonged to his father.

    1. I can't remember the artist, but it is in the museo nazionale d'arte moderne in Rome near the Borghese gardens. There is a salon with several of them and they are magnificent.

  11. where was catacombs fight/chase scene filmed?

  12. ay, what are some of the bowery(?) locations towards the end where john meets with laurence fishburne’s character

  13. where is the bank location?(before wick visiting museum)
    wick taking safe 5990,3(i guess)
    i love the bank design so i like to know where is it

  14. I don't think that's a Buddha god statue, because it doesn't appear to have the typical elephant head. It would seem to be instead, a statue of the Hindu god Parvati.

    1. In any case, the name of the club is Tao (apparently a reference to a Chinese religion), quite distinct from Buddhism. And where is Buddha depicted with multiple arms? Not Japan, Korea or China. I agree that the statue is probably representative of a religion of India. Ethnicity and religion are confused. Asians do not all look alike.

  15. Actualy: is Beaver St with Pearl St -- Not: 1 Wall Street Court

    Reference: https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2345/32884736662_a99f798af6_b.jpg

    SEE, STREET VIEW: https://goo.gl/maps/P3C68n4UFFk

  16. I think he meets the Bowery King on the top of a building near Manhattan Bridge, not Brooklyn Bridge

  17. What is the statue above the doorway when john goes to meet Winston?

  18. Some of the subway corridors shots were also shot in Montreal, at Place D'Armes station.

  19. Is the park at the end of the movie the same one as used in Home Alone 2?

  20. Do you mean Central Park? lol. In that case, yes.

  21. Hello, I have two questions. Relatively at the beginning of the second part, John visits Viggo's brother to make peace with him. His excommunication is also shown, where his file is opened, and it is made official. Where exactly are the two locations?

  22. The car at the beginning isn't a Mustang. It's a Chevy Chevelle SS. The same car Aurelio gives him in Chapter 1.


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